APRIL 2017: LEARN TO COOK for your dog or cat

Come learn to cook an inexpensive, nutritious & delicious meal for your pet. Bring home your pet’s first homemade food for them to enjoy! Children & pets welcome. Contact us today to sign up for this special event.


MAY 2017 : STRETCHING & RELAXATION class with your DOG

Stretch muscles, increase flexibility & promote relaxation for you and your dog. It is designed to include your dog as an integral part of this energizing exercise. Taking place outside on a yoga mat on grass and in an enclosed area, you and your dog will enjoy this lighthearted approach to enjoying nature, bonding with each other and enjoying your body at it’s own rhythm!

What to wear: Fitted shorts or comfortable pants. Feel free to bring your own yoga mat

Contact us today for more information & to reserve your spot!